Linen Care

Cleaning up after a holiday feast can be especially hard on table linens. Follow this tips to keep yours looking good year after year.

  • Timely stain removal is important. Take your linens to your dry cleaner as soon as possible.
  • Candle wax: gently lift off larger pieces. Wash in the hottest water safe for the fabric.
  • Wine and coffee stains: lightly touch with absorbent towel to draw up excess liquid, or put paper towels underneath the spill; do not blot as it can spread the stain. After dinner, rinse in cool water, treat with a mild detergent and white vinegar.
  • Salad oil stains: cover a big spill at the table with absorbent powder; after dinner shake off and apply a mild detergent mixed with household ammonia ASAP. Wait 5-10 minutes and wash in the hottest water safe for the fabric.
  • Cranberry stains: Rinse with cool water and treat with a mild detergent and white vinegar before washing.